Effetto ADV srl
Via Alessandro Tadino 60
20124 - Milano
Ph: +39 02 45479049

Select Spritz

Born in Venice in 1920, Select immediately becomes the go-to brand for the all Italian aperitif tradition. Initially sipped straight, in the 60s Select jumps on the Spritz trend, establishing itself as the essential bitter for the traditional Venetian Spritz recipe. Select communicates the unmistakable sensorial experience tied to the ritual of drinking a Select Spritz through images that are able to stimulate taste, smell and sight at once.

  • Client

    Select Spritz

  • Agency


  • Role

    Post Production

Open Project
Before After


Effetto’s post-producers cleaned up all the environmental imperfections in the images. They calibrated them and worked on colours to create a warmer and brighter tone. To accentuate the ice effect, droplets and condensation were accentuated or created from scratch.

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